シティパスはアドラープラネタリウムを楽しむための2つの素晴らしい方法を提供します。シカゴ CityPASSまたはシカゴ C3です。どちらを選んでもお得です。
- 一度購入するだけで、複数のアトラクションに入場することができます。また、チケットは9日間有効なので、各アトラクションをお楽しみいただく時間がたっぷりとあります。
- 調べる時間を短縮しましょう。シティパスのチケットには、アドラープラネタリウムのような最高のアトラクションだけが含まれています。安心してシカゴで楽しめる最高のものを見ることができます。
- への入場 アドラープラネタリウム:シカゴ CityPASS: 博物館への入館と2回のスカイショー。(アドラーの世界規模のコレクションを特集したすべての展示のほか、コミュニティデザイン研究所、空間可視化研究所、ドアン天文台の体験も含む。)
『Pink Floyd The Dark Side Of The Moon』は含まれておらず、切符売り場にて$20で別途ご購入いただけます。シカゴ C3: ミュージアム入場料 (アドラーのワールドクラスのコレクションをフィーチャーしたすべての展示に加え、コミュニティ・デザイン・ラボ、スペース・ビジュアライゼーション・ラボ、ドーン天文台の体験が含まれます。スカイショーは含まれません。)
シカゴ CityPASS
南カリフォルニア、ニューヨーク、今回のシカゴで既に3都市用にCityPassを購入したことがあります。5人家族なのですが、パスを使えば計画がとっても簡単で経済的になります!!!もちろん、チケット購入の列に並ばなくていいのも最高!!!シカゴ CityPASS
CityPassと他の似たようなグループ入場パスについてをよく調べた上で、CityPassを入手すべきだと判断しました。Chicago CityPassではトップ5の観光スポットにアップグレード入場で入ることができるんです!素晴らしい価格
家族がコロンビアから私たちを訪ねてきました。米国への初訪問であり、彼らの初めてのバケーションが間違いなく期待以上のものになることを私は望んでいました。オンラインでChicago CityPASSを見つけたとき、彼らの旅行を思い出深いものにするのに必要なのは、まさにこれだと悟りました。CityPASSが、私のバケーションと夫婦関係を救ってくれました。
先日、シカゴCityPASS を利用しましたが、休暇に使うお金の節約になっただけでなく、結婚生活も救ってくれました。私たち夫婦は、次にどちらに行くか、何をするかについて、いつも言い争うからです。CityPASSは使いやすく、割引だけでなく詳しい情報も提供してくれました。
Chicago CityPASS is rated
out of
5 by
Rated 5 out of
planning from
Good planning on Chicago qith Citypass
CityPass was great. Marking on time or early or late admission from the reserved time block on each facilty better be clearer.
Date published: 2024-09-14
Rated 1 out of
Disappointed couple . from
Be careful! CityPass is rip off! Please read
My girlfriend and I pre purchased our CityPass before Labor Day weekend this year. While we understood that it was crowded weekend, we were Not aware CityPass has limited slots. Most of the popular attractions were sold out or very limited time options. Complete BS. I would highly recommend Not purchasing CityPass and purchase each attraction individually. You will have so many more options. CityPass only purchases 15% of the available time slots. I should have taken a pic of the line we had at 360- there was no line, but we were not able to use our pass bc there were no CityPass slots available. It was completely open and we were told we would have to purchase their tickets to go up. Don’t purchase. I did email them and let them know my frustrations and they did get back to me and just told me- too bad, it was busy weekend. We spent much of our weekend trying to fit our schedule to their and it was a complete waste of time.
Date published: 2024-09-13
Rated 2 out of
DanF from
Good value? You choose.
Unless you want to see both the Aquarium and Skydeck, then it is better value to buy single tickets. The sights I wanted to see the most were in the optional extra sights and I ended up having to pay for entrance at the Field Museum. CITY PASS would work better if you could choose five from all sights.
Date published: 2024-09-12
Rated 5 out of
Gaby from
Easy to manage!
Easy to manage, book and update. Highly recommendable.
Date published: 2024-09-11
Rated 5 out of
Anacris from
Easy access to the attractions
CityPASS is such a good way of being at easy during trips. The app has great usability and helps planning your visits to the museums, sightseeing points etc. Modify a time or place is very easy as well
Date published: 2024-09-11
Rated 5 out of
Happy traveller 60 from
Great experience
We bought CityPASS for our trip and we were very satisfied, it was a great experience saving time and money
Date published: 2024-09-11
Rated 5 out of
PalomaJ from
Great choice for a awesome price!!
I was a little hesitant on getting CityPASS but it was the best choice to buy it! We got to see almost every attraction in Chicago for a great price. And I had some problems and they were so helpful and solved it immediately. I’m so happy I got it!
Date published: 2024-09-11
Rated 5 out of
SheWhoWanders from
So User Friendly
Never been to Chicago before and I had very limited time, since I was there on business. CityPASS highlighted the top sights/sites to see while allowing for some choices and then all the info about days/hours for each site was easily accessible so I could coordinate around places that were only open on certain days. For several items, I had to change the day/time of my reservations, and it was a 1 minute, easy peasy process each time. All tickets/QR codes were right in the app when needed. I have to say, if you go to Chicago, the architecture river tour is a MUST DO. Pick the tour that starts about 45 min before sunset - then you get the day view and the lit-up night view too!
Date published: 2024-09-10
Rated 4 out of
Giuliano Bruna from
Very helpfull.
I bought City Pass during my visite in Chicago and It was very helpfull. Giuliano Bruna
Date published: 2024-09-10
Rated 5 out of
Bob C. from
The Chicago Top 5 at nearly half the price!
CityPass got me into the Art Institute, the Willis Tower observation deck, the Field Museum, the Shedd Aquarium and the Adler Planetarium at nearly half the a la carte price. It's easy to purchase, easy to use and every first timer to Chicago--or even a returning visitor like myself--should get out with CityPass and see their own Chicago Top 5!
Date published: 2024-09-09
My CityPASS®アプリには、予約と入場に関する情報、アトラクションの詳細、地図、パートナーが提供する特典や割引など、素晴らしい体験に必要な詳しい情報のすべてがあります。